Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It Begins!!

What should a fellow post here?

I suppose I should comment regularly on items
one can find at Suncoast, Best Buy, and the like.

And I'll do that.

But the thing is: this is about comics.

And although one can purchase innumerable items
inspired, derived, and ripped from the pages
of comics at the above-mentioned locations,
there's minimal (at best) printed comic material
to be be found.

I intend to discuss every variety of
comic, whether they
be Marvel,
or Mini.

I will pay respect
to all forms, as they all deserve
some respect. Here and there,
the respect may be grudging - but
it will be given.

They are, after all, comics - the highest form of
entertainment/art devised by man.

Now and then, I may gripe about Lamar Odom's
integration into Phil Jackson's triangle offense.
I may suffer a lapse of character and bemoan the
ebb and flow of my fortunes with the opposite sex.

Hopefully, those interruptions will be minimal,
and my focus will remain on that grand, gay,
glory that resides in all comics' art.

The revolution will not be televised!!!


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